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South End - Cathedral Post Office. 59 West Dedham Street. Monday-Wednesday 10-6, Thursday 12-8, Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-1.
Beacon Hill - 136 Charles Street. 723-1951 Monday-Friday 7:30-6:00. Saturday 7:30-2:00.
Back Bay - 390 Stuart Street. 236-1330 Monday-Friday 7:30-6:00. Saturday 7:30-12:30.
Boston Municipal Police (617) 635-3500
Neighborhood Watch (617) 343-4345
MBTA Police (617) 222-1100
State Police (508) 820-2300
MAYORCity Hall (617) 635-4500
Mayor's 24 Hour Hotline (617) 635-4500
Boston Gas - NSTAR (617) 424-2000
National Grid (781) 907-1000