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HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! An unbeatable value to be in Newton!!! Shakespeare said" People usually are the happiest at home" and being the next owner of this Grand Victorian will certainly fill your heart with happiness. Stately situated on a corner lot in a prime Newton location, the original character begins right at the front door. With ornate detailing and solid beautiful doors, you enter a timeless foyer that is flanked by fireplaced living rooms. Gorgeous built-ins are curved in the turret showcasing the craftsmanship of the past. Continuing through the home, your eyes will be delighted with wainscoting, stained glass windows and so many more beautiful details. Finished 3rd floor suite with a full bath that would be perfect for a teenage retreat or au-pair. Newer 2+ car garage with extra storage. Just a minute to Newton North High School, the library, Whole Foods and less than 2 miles to the Pike. Be in for the school year! A quick close is possible!

Property Details of 536 Walnut Street

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